
Transgender and Non-binary guild founded in 2023. We are a group of creatives with an interest in video games. We make games, videos, art, streams, and more in a way that works for us! Technically we are a studio, according to Rick Davidson. Davidson says the literal meaning of a game studio is “any individual or team working to make Indie Games in order to make money” (2014). Well, making money isn’t really our primary goal…but being able to afford food and shelter is a big plus.

Along with our studio we created Hatchling Games Guild, an online collective for Transgender and Non-binary game lovers, artists, professionals and hobbyists. We want to build community for like-minded creatives & those struggling to enter or continue work in the game industry due to identity, economic barriers or disability status— people just like us!

Our primary goal is to share resources and provide mutual support. If you’d like to join us, hop in our Discord server for information on memberships.

Davidson, Rick. 2014. “How to Start An Indie Game Studio”. Game Career Coach. Available at: https://gamecareercoach.com/how-to-start-an-indie-game-studio/ (Yes, we site our sources and you should too).


  • Mutual respect and trust create a base to work towards a shared vision.

  • Empower each other to share individual creators’ voices, cultures, and experiences.

  • Support skill-sharing and networking to learn and evolve professionally.

  • No one person’s job is more valuable than another’s.

  • Create shared creative spaces for marginalized creatives, video game creators and artists, with a focus on Transgender and Non-binary individuals.

  • Provide opportunity for inclusive art and games by marginalized creators.

  • Facilitate a low-pressure environment to create, share, network, and develop professionally.


Why “Hatchling”?

"Egg" or "Egg Mode" is internet slang used to describe transgender individuals who do not realize they are a transgender person yet or are not out with their identity- kind of like being “in the closet”. “Hatching" has a similar meaning as "coming out” (Jill 2019). Thanks, Jill.

There is discourse around this analogy within the community. We don’t like the idea of “cracking eggs”- we believe hatching is your own personal journey to realizing your gender identity. Plus, we love turtles. Hence, Hatchling Games…hatched.


Interested in what we do?

We are a group of game developers, artists, and supporters who work together to support and promote the work of every member of our collective. Usually this is through professional development, marketing and promotional efforts, advocacy, and collaborative works.